Make 3-Drawer Wooden Dollhouse Jewelry Boxes
Type of Work: Make 3-Drawer Wooden Dollhouse Jewelry Boxes
Payment Description: $5.00 per item with no income limit. (All listed items)
This 1” high, by 1” side, and ¾” deep 3-drawer jewelry box has no hinges and the wood grain is matched in the front of the drawers only. The box is made from cherry wood.
- Make 1-Drawer Wooden Dollhouse Jewelry Boxes
- With the same dimensions as the 3-drawer box, this one has one drawer with a lid that opens. It is made from cherry wood as well and has dividers in the top compartment. - Make Wooden Dollhouse gift Boxes
- This box has no drawer, knobs or hinges. It is a two-compartment box with a lid. The dimensions are also 1” high, by 1” wide and ¾” deep and as the rest, it is made out of cherry wood. - Make Wooden Dollhouse silver chests
- These are small silver chests assembled from wood, with one drawer and a hinged top. Their size is a bit bigger than the jewelry boxes – about 1” high, by 1” wide, and 1-1/8” deep.
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