Work At Home Assembly Jobs


Make 3-Drawer Wooden Dollhouse Jewelry Boxes

Type of Work:
Make 3-Drawer Wooden Dollhouse Jewelry Boxes
Payment Description: $5.00 per item with no income limit. (All listed items)

This 1” high, by 1” side, and ¾” deep 3-drawer jewelry box has no hinges and the wood grain is matched in the front of the drawers only. The box is made from cherry wood.

  • Make 1-Drawer Wooden Dollhouse Jewelry Boxes
    - With the same dimensions as the 3-drawer box, this one has one drawer with a lid that opens. It is made from cherry wood as well and has dividers in the top compartment.
  • Make Wooden Dollhouse gift Boxes
    - This box has no drawer, knobs or hinges. It is a two-compartment box with a lid. The dimensions are also 1” high, by 1” wide and ¾” deep and as the rest, it is made out of cherry wood.
  • Make Wooden Dollhouse silver chests
    - These are small silver chests assembled from wood, with one drawer and a hinged top. Their size is a bit bigger than the jewelry boxes – about 1” high, by 1” wide, and 1-1/8” deep.
Start making as many items as you wish at no registration fee! All items are assembled using cherry wood and you will be paid $5.00 for every one you make according to specifications. You can choose to make any one of the above items and Cottage Industries will pay postage both ways. To begin making these exciting products, you can order a start up kit that includes pattern, wood, glue, knife, velvet ribbon – enough Materials to assemble 10 items of the products you wish to make. The wood is not precut. For your benefit you will find extra materials included in case of a mistake. The best part of it is that postage for the kit is paid as well. The kit can be yours for a deposit of $50.00 that will be given back to you when the company buys the 10 items back. Otherwise, you will be sent another kit. The items described above are the only ones available at the moment.