Work At Home Assembly Jobs


Sewing Baby Burping Pads or Baby Bibs

Type of Work:
Sewing Baby Burping Pads or Baby Bibs
Payment Description: $460.00 per week maximum for 144 pads or bibs s

You can assemble burping pads or baby bibs – both very easy to make! All that is needed is basic skills and a simple sewing machine. The company will pay you $63.00 for production and $52.00 for supply cost for every package of 3 dozen pads or bibs plus $4.00 to cover shipping. You also have the option of selling the assembled products on you own to friends, relatives, flea markets, etc. You can make a maximum of 4 packages per week ($460.00 total). A startup kit is available to you. It includes, pattern, instructions and fabrics to make one trial burping pad or bib. Also, the company gives you a list of suppliers where you can purchase materials at 40-50% off. A help line is available for you for phone assistance.