Canus goat’s milk soap: for healthy glowing skin

Canus was established in the middle of the 90’s period. They are one of the considered largest producers of different products of goat’s milk.

Andree Falardeau and Andre Beauregard were the persons behind the establishment of this goat’s milk product company. When they were still starting, these two were sought to develop a product line, which will compose mainly of soaps coming from the milk of the goat, thus the creation of Canus goat’s milk soap.

One of the best parts of their development efforts was their contact with one goat milk processor. The main job of the processor was to attend to over 2, 500 goats in the dairy farms and work together, producing butter, milk and yogurt.

One of the original products of Canus is the Canus goat’s milk soap. The soaps are available in both scented and not scented versions. The Canus goat’s milk soap is also triple-milled to provide an extremely long lasting and hard soap product.

The fragrance used in Canus goat’s milk soap is mild and for a lot of its users, they have described its scent to clean and fresh smell, as oppose to the conventional idea of a goat’s natural smell.

The Canus goat’s milk soap is also available in a 5 ounce and 1.3 ounce sizes. Adding the singly packaged bars is the convenient 3-pack Canus goat’s milk soap.

You would wonder why Canus was able to conclude with making soaps out of a goat’s milk and of all the animals in the planet, why they opted for goats? For essential information, the milk from goats is highly recognized as rejuvenator and moisturizer.

Not all people in the world know that most of what is marketed and consumed is actually goat’s milk rather than cow’s, which are mostly what people, think.

According to a nutritionist’s standpoint, the milk of goats and cows are considerably similar yet they have significant differences when it comes to fatty acid and protein contents. The structure for these nutrients are mostly longer and larger in goat’s milk.

Besides, goat’s milk is also physically homogenized. Canus prepared their goat’s milk soaps and other products for the skin care, using the freshest goat’s milk. They do not practice the use of powdered milk, which are easier to keep and stable, because this can actually somehow alter the milk structure.

The use of fresh milk in making goat’s milk soaps is still far way better, leaving a fresh, glowing and healthy skin. Canus has proven this through their highly sought-after Canus goat’s milk soap.

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