Learn the ABC’s of Felted Knitting...
Among the different types of knitting, felted knitting is one of the less complicated but invariably a more time consuming project. However, if you have discovered ordinary knitting as a highly rewarding endeavor, then you are sure to find felted knitting to be downright addicting as it gives you free... 
Making Sense OF Quilt Patterns...
There are literally thousands of quilt patterns already in existence, and more being designed everyday. If you are a beginning quilter it is best to stick to the simpler patterns. As you become more experienced, you will never run out of new patterns to try. Some examples of simple patterns use squares.... 
Coin Collecting Software for Organized C...
Coin collectors before took so much time in finding the value of coins, the availability of coins, the history of the coins that they have and anything about coin inventory. The latest technology in digital computer and software can aid the numismatists and coin collectors on the recent information about... 
Crochet Projects For Every Age...
Are you thinking of balancing domestication with interest? If that is so, you are not only entitled to cook a meal for dinner, wash the clothes full of filth and clean the rooms left disordered but also in being able to sew one piece by another especially if you are finished with the mundane activities.... 
Paper Beads...
Aside from recycling those sheets stacked in your drawer, what do you think you can still do which you can benefit? Well, it is none other than paper beads that you can transform as a personal accessory. How to make one? The first thing to do with paper beads is to create a series of “V”... 
Finding Embroidery Patterns...
Have you been looking for embroidery patterns? Are you currently doing an embroidery project and you want it to be completed as soon as possible? If so, then I bet you would be happy to know that embroidery patterns are available anywhere in the world these days. You can find them either online or offline. How... 
Why You Should Scrapbook...
There’s bound to be a reason behind the popularity of scrapbooking. If you take the time to ask anyone who’s involved in scrapbooking you’ll soon find that many of them will tell you the same thing. Many will say they do it to create an attractive and personal way to display their... 
Rubber Stamping Brayering Ideas...
Brayering is one of the most popular techniques involve in the art of rubber stamping. Many artists, in fact, consider the brayer as the most versatile tool ever designed for stamping projects. It can be applied to almost every medium available, be it a paper or wood. Being an important art tool, brayering... 
Ways to Get the Crochet Pattern You Want...
When you are already familiar with the basics of crocheting, then the next logical step would be to find crochet patterns for you to practice on. The problem is that it’s hard to find a free crochet pattern. A handy tip for getting hold of a free crochet pattern is to go online. There are a lot... 
Discovering RJR Fabrics...
Quilters looking for the best in quilting fabrics need look no further than RJR Fabrics, which is a leader in the fabric manufacturing market, with a niche specialty of the craft of quilting. “Creating Fabrics That Reflect Your Lifestyle” is the company’s motto, and most quilters would... 

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