Using Black and White Film...
There are many reasons to use black and white film when taking photos for your scrapbooking. And the ease of converting photos from color to black and white has increased the popularity of using black and white photos. You can easily have copies of the same photo in both color and black and white, whether... 
Embroidery Digitizing...
The art of embroidery have been around for decades. In fact, it has been discovered since late 1600s and is still widely used even in modern times, a no easy feat especially in view of the prevalence of other fabric designs. However, like all other traditional crafts, embroidery has also evolved with... 
Learn How to Crochet the Easy Way...
There are different methods on how crochet a particular product. Each method should be according to the type of crochet item that will be made. The patterned diagrams will provide the person the needed instructions and details to proceed in making his crochet. A crochet is hand worked and needs a lot... 
Totes For Mobile Scrappers...
The most important item for the mobile scrapper is the tote. Your tote will allow you to pack, store and carry exactly what you need in the way of paper, tools, embellishments, photos, adhesives and memorabilia without having to leave anything important behind. Whether you are going scrapping for an... 
How to Create a Rubber Stamping Card...
Looking for a special gift? Well, what more can you create to make someone’s day worth remembering than a rubber stamping card. The rubber stamping card is easy and fun to do. All you need to prepare are the materials and tools needed for the craft, and of course, the catchy design in mind. If... 
Embroidery Designs...
Are you looking for embroidery designs? If so, then I bet you would be happy to know that embroidery designs are highly available in the market these days to suit every occasion and every interest. They are offered both online and offline, with lots of stores out there offering a variety of designs for... 
Coin Collecting Clubs: Be One of Them...
“Birds of the same feather flock together”. This holds true for the thrilled coin collector who wants nothing but share and brag his/her coin collection to the same individual who goes crazy exactly with the same hobby. Coin collecting has always been a mesmerizing and uncomplicated hobby... 
Best Books for Quilting...
Whether you are a beginning quilter, or an advanced practitioner of the craft, you will find many books on quilting that will help advance your knowledge. Quilting books fall roughly into several categories, and numerous titles abound in each. The categories of books are how-to, pattern encyclopedias,... 
Rubber Stamping Card...
Are you planning to give a personalized letter? If at this point you are still undecided how you would do it, why not consider a rubber stamping card? The craft will not just express what you are contemplating to speak but will also surprise yourself. Rubber Stamping Card Textures Marbled can be achieved... 
Lampwork beads...
The earliest forms of glass beads were dated to be 30,000 years old. Wearing lampwork beads is a classic and a modern trend as well. Egyptians notably used glass-like beads made from Egyptian faience beads, a type of clay bead having a self-molding vitreous property. Lampwork beads are a variant of wound... 

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